Cloaked in Satin



Cocooning layers of satin,
my favorites pink  and red.
You’re prickly and your scent,
such beautiful bouquet.

Layer by layer you expose yourself,
bared to  sun and wind.
Once you reveal your heart to the world,
your petals fall, resigned.

Copyright Victoria Ramsey 2015


Beginning a new chapter


It’s been wickedly cold this last two weeks, by Texas standards that is. I have been huddled into my chair writing, and reading. I long to be outside in my gardens watching seeds sprout and bulb pop. The rain has started, predictions of rain for ten days. This is great as we always need moisture in Texas, have been in drought for years. When the sun returns there will be plenty of new blessings to see in my flower beds. The wildflowers will be running rampant across fields and along highways soon and will be chasing them with my camera.

I start a couple of of online classes here today and am looking forward to the distraction of having things to do. Photo 101 and Blogging 101, maybe I will finally figure out how to do this properly. I am one of those people who never read directions, just jump right into the middle and sink or swim. I usually need a life jacket to get me through it.

Well I’m headed off to the class, please wish me luck. I wish you a beautiful day full of sunshine and blessings. I am enclosing sunshine for those of you who may not have any today.day6

Kissing Flowers



Butterflies kissing flowers, whispering to the daisy.
Thanking them for sweet nectar while savoring their honey.
Fluttering on gossamer wings, they flit from bud to blossom.
Dancing on the petals, they pollinate the flowers.
Wings outstretched they’re carried on the breeze.
All colors of the rainbow, they settle in the fields.
They sip the dew from buttercups and hide amid the sage.
The sun comes up and dries their wings, they begin to flitter.
The pageantry of the butterflies fills the air like glitter.

– See more at:

Faith Trumps


Keep your words of doom,sorrow,
gloomy predictions,
your scarcely there percentages of
Faith provides triple digits.
Positive attitude trumps words of
sorrow every time.
I will not surrender.

Poem copyright protected, and the property of Victoria Feathers, and not to be used without permission.

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