
The weather has gone from eighty-two days ago to a high of forty today. Blustery winds could blow you away. My dog is terrified of the noises the wind makes inside the house. I spent yesterday laying with her on the floor so she could relax. She tends to sit on the floor beside my chair at attention, much like the guards before the palace. She cannot relax, eat, or lay down. I even had to add an old quilt to the vacant side of my bed for her so that both of us could get some sleep. I hate animals in my bed so this is the ultimate sacrifice of love for her. She is a rescue dog and I believe her to have been sorely mistreated. Four years later she is still terrified of the sound of the AC and heat when it is on and will not enter a room. Forget using a broom around her. Poor baby……

On a good note the baby geese are growing quickly, hard to believe they were hatched on V-Day. I love to watch them with their parents, military like training tactics. A hawk circled them as they swam and foraged for food. The parents, ever vigilant, honked warnings to the hawk nonstop until he finally retreated. I found I was holding my breath at times as he circled lower.

I hope the cold, high winds and near freezing temps at night will not kill my emerging plants. I am so anxious to see the flowers bloom. I would be surprised if this crazy wind does not pluck them from the ground and hurl them into the pond.

I smelled a beautiful scent in the air on Saturday, grabbed my camera and went to find it. White flowering trees along a path into the neighbors field. I snapped a few pic’s that do not do the trees justice. The smell was heavenly though I could not identify the trees.

Well friends have a blessed day and stay safe and warm. Spring will be here soon and all that comes with it….sun still sun still2

Busy, busy, busy


I have been negligent here keeping track of blessings. The weather has been so grand that I spend most of my time in the yard making new gardens and putting in a small pond. The pond is turning out to be more complicated than I had imagined, a leak. I’m sure I stepped on a sharp stone and punctured the lining.

On a happier note the Geese brought the babies down for their first swim on Valentines Day. I must note this was the nicest V Day gift I have ever received. They grow so fast, I am amazed how fast they can waddle to keep up with the parents. Yesterday they were foraging along the bank and a hawk kept circling, I was terrified for them.

Small green shoots are popping up everywhere. I have planted so much I can’t remember what is what. I kept pulling this weed that was invading the bank of my dry creek bed. I wondered why my Rock Cress hadn’t emerged yet. I researched it and believe that the pictures on the net look like the plants I have been pulling…… Sometimes I amaze myself. I will try to refrain from weeding until I am certain what I am doing, if I don’t forget. I am getting so dingy.

The new border lilies have little pink buds on them. I am excited to see them open, maybe for Easter. The new rose bushes are bursting in new leaves. I’m like an expectant mother waiting for the birth, visiting the nursery over and over, imagining the baby here.

God is grand. babies


To a new day…


Surrounded by Gods wonder, blessings everywhere……. The weather has been in mid to high seventies and flowers are sprouting up. Trees are putting on small green buds, birds busy building new nests, a time of renewal.

The duck/goose eggs are still being tended by an anxious mother, although she does occasionally escape long enough for a swim with daddy. He looks so forlorn spending days alone. Soon the ducklings will hatch and the training will begin. Last summer it was a joy to behold. The parents are almost like military in training tactics.

I take great pleasure in sitting on my porch after completing my gardening and watching life unfold around me. Fish jumping in the pond, turtles sunning on the shore. I do miss my gardening friend the Heron who watched me all winter. I hope he has a place in Heaven……..heron3


Sunshine and rocks


Another fantastic 75 degree day here in Central Texas. My thought was to go to the matinee movie and see American Sniper. My reality was why waste all of this beautiful sunshine. I got into the golf cart and gathered my eight millionth load of rocks, slight exaggeration, only slight. I have been gathering rocks from the horse pastures, cow pastures, and horse arena for five months now, no exaggeration. I am building a dry creek bed from the front of my house down to the pond. Today I thought why dry? So I decided to put a pond and waterfall at the top. Women are known for moving furniture, I move rocks almost daily. Excellent exercise let me tell you.

I enjoy rock picking around the horses, they are so curious. They tend to follow me like puppies, you do need to be careful about bending over in front of some of them. You are likely to get nipped. The cows are curious also but much more timid.

I live on a working ranch with a professional arena. Cowboys roping steer at all hours of the day and night. I enjoy watching them but it does get old. My grand daughters are learning to rope. The six year old has no fear of horses and no interest in roping. She is quite happy to bring the steer up and run the chutes. The nine year old is a fantastic roper and has no love of horses. Their father is a bit disappointed, I say let them play.

Well break is over and sunshine is wasting. Hope you have lots of sunshine in your life…. enjoy.

The love of a grand mother


It was such a gloriously beautiful day today, sunny and 70. A great day to take my nine year old grand daughter out for photography practice. We are both learning and have competitions. A shared hobby that strengthens the bond we have with one another. I try to be the grand mother I never had, cooking, baking, sewing, crafting, and fun filled sleepovers. My girls love the sleepover where they give me makeovers with new hairdo and makeup. I love the three pigtail and blue eye shadow look best. These are followed up with beauty/talent contests. Popcorn in bed with a movie. Needless to say when they go home I am totally exhausted, and thoroughly in love.

I loved my three children completely but the love I have for my three grand daughters is special. I believe it is because I now have the time to appreciate them and see the world through their eyes. As a single mother raising children was a job. Grand mothering is a pleasure as I am not pressured by the responsibilities of working, mothering, household and lawn responsibilities, I am amazed that I can spend hours playing make believe games. I sincerely hope they remember these times we share and it impacts them as parents. I would like to think I have left my mark on the world by the love I have invested in these beautiful little lives.