Kissing Flowers



Butterflies kissing flowers, whispering to the daisy.
Thanking them for sweet nectar while savoring their honey.
Fluttering on gossamer wings, they flit from bud to blossom.
Dancing on the petals, they pollinate the flowers.
Wings outstretched they’re carried on the breeze.
All colors of the rainbow, they settle in the fields.
They sip the dew from buttercups and hide amid the sage.
The sun comes up and dries their wings, they begin to flitter.
The pageantry of the butterflies fills the air like glitter.

– See more at:

Busy, busy, busy


I have been negligent here keeping track of blessings. The weather has been so grand that I spend most of my time in the yard making new gardens and putting in a small pond. The pond is turning out to be more complicated than I had imagined, a leak. I’m sure I stepped on a sharp stone and punctured the lining.

On a happier note the Geese brought the babies down for their first swim on Valentines Day. I must note this was the nicest V Day gift I have ever received. They grow so fast, I am amazed how fast they can waddle to keep up with the parents. Yesterday they were foraging along the bank and a hawk kept circling, I was terrified for them.

Small green shoots are popping up everywhere. I have planted so much I can’t remember what is what. I kept pulling this weed that was invading the bank of my dry creek bed. I wondered why my Rock Cress hadn’t emerged yet. I researched it and believe that the pictures on the net look like the plants I have been pulling…… Sometimes I amaze myself. I will try to refrain from weeding until I am certain what I am doing, if I don’t forget. I am getting so dingy.

The new border lilies have little pink buds on them. I am excited to see them open, maybe for Easter. The new rose bushes are bursting in new leaves. I’m like an expectant mother waiting for the birth, visiting the nursery over and over, imagining the baby here.

God is grand. babies


Faith Trumps


Keep your words of doom,sorrow,
gloomy predictions,
your scarcely there percentages of
Faith provides triple digits.
Positive attitude trumps words of
sorrow every time.
I will not surrender.

Poem copyright protected, and the property of Victoria Feathers, and not to be used without permission.

rainbow (8)

Spiritual gardening


I am fortunate that my garden extends from the front of my house to the small pond, tank in TX. As I garden I am never alone. My dog sits on the porch in the shade to watch as the ducks, egrets, and heron watch from a short distance away. All very curious yet not inclined to help. That is fine with me, as I am a very selfish gardener, I want the joy all to myself.

I love the peacefulness of pulling weeds, the standing back and visualizing of planting, the joy I feel when I find that a seed or bulb has sprouted from the soil. I frequently sit and stare into the sky or the water and thank God for his gifts. I am especially thrilled when I find that new tenants have moved into the bird house apartments I have erected.

Occasionally a horse will wander up to see if I have planted tender morsels for them uproot. I have found that if it is deer proof then it is usually horse proof. An expensive lesson I must say.  I find that the peace and joy of garden is very healing to me both physically and emotionally. Of course the spiritual healing of gardening and spending time with God in his garden is what it’s all about……

Conversations of Silence


sunrise (42)

Early morning sun asleep,
conversations of silence;
tic-toc between clocks, sighs
of mans best friend, birds twitter
outside my window, I hear my
heartbeats in my ears.

My head swims amongst the waves
of silence, distracted in my conversation with God.
Thankful I have never heard true silence.

– See more at:

Today I rant


I awoke early again today, exhausted. Fighting to live is hard work, mentally and spiritually. Yesterday was a bad day. I detest calls from doctors, they never have good news. Usually I take it directly to God. Yesterday, for whatever reason, I chose not to. I wanted to feel the anger, use bad words, and shed tears. I felt vindicated. I also felt guilty afterwards.

I know God forgives these temporary lapses. He never releases my hand no matter how I pull away. He listens to me rant, covers his ears, and shakes his head. When I am finished he allows me to climb into his lap and rest my head upon his shoulder. In time he sets me on my feet and tells me to go back to collecting heartbeats.

That is how this blog is born. It is a whipping post, a listening ear, a keeper of my secrets and hopefully a life long friend. Jazmine, my best four-legged, hair balled friend is tired of my mood swings. I need someone else to share this burden with, someone unbiased. Someone who can relate to the fear, pain, joy, and victories. Someone who can’t call me on the phone or knock on my door when I don’t want to talk. Someone who can read these words if they feel like it or shut me off at will. I ask that you understand this works both ways. I will listen, talk or shut you off at will also.

That said – Later! Have a glorious day……..