Busy, busy, busy


I have been negligent here keeping track of blessings. The weather has been so grand that I spend most of my time in the yard making new gardens and putting in a small pond. The pond is turning out to be more complicated than I had imagined, a leak. I’m sure I stepped on a sharp stone and punctured the lining.

On a happier note the Geese brought the babies down for their first swim on Valentines Day. I must note this was the nicest V Day gift I have ever received. They grow so fast, I am amazed how fast they can waddle to keep up with the parents. Yesterday they were foraging along the bank and a hawk kept circling, I was terrified for them.

Small green shoots are popping up everywhere. I have planted so much I can’t remember what is what. I kept pulling this weed that was invading the bank of my dry creek bed. I wondered why my Rock Cress hadn’t emerged yet. I researched it and believe that the pictures on the net look like the plants I have been pulling…… Sometimes I amaze myself. I will try to refrain from weeding until I am certain what I am doing, if I don’t forget. I am getting so dingy.

The new border lilies have little pink buds on them. I am excited to see them open, maybe for Easter. The new rose bushes are bursting in new leaves. I’m like an expectant mother waiting for the birth, visiting the nursery over and over, imagining the baby here.

God is grand. babies